Frequently Asked Questions
What is the exact weight of the hardware?
The weight of the hardware is 90.65g.
Is Lab Streaming Layer implemented?
Yes, Lab Streaming Layer is implemented
Can we currently provide real-time valence?
Not available real time valence, can be provided in additionally.
Do we have publicly available SDK or any AR applications?
Not currently available.
Can we have additional interpreted signals?
Some other metrics can be provided (asymmetry, movement, posture, activity, valence, engagement, activity recognition, eating recognition and more). Please contact to discuss the conditions.
Is location data available?
No, the location data is not available.
Can the OCOsense measure stress without a HR sensor?
No, the HR sensor is required to measure stress.
Will we have remote supervision for OCOsense?
No, not with this first release.
Will the firmware updates for OCOsense be available?
The firmware updater will be released in one of the next releases.
What issues can be expected with the OCOsense glasses?
- Glasses turn on automatically when plugin in or unplugging. If not used, they will go to sleep mode after a few minutes of inactivity.
- While recording data if back button is pressed, the data sometimes is not saved.