To use the emteqPRO software you will need:
In order to record and monitor data, you will need to connect the mask to a computer running the Emteq Unity SDK. This can be either using the pre-made demos available on our downloads page, or by creating your own custom Unity app using the emteqVR Unity SDK plugin.
You can obtain the zip file for SuperVision from the downloads page. You will need to extract and run the downloaded executable from the zip file to install the application. Release Notes are also available here.
The following guide applies to the emteqPRO system both in ‘VR mode’ (connected to an HTC VIVE Pro) and in ‘Open-Face mode’ (standalone, looking out at the real world!) sometimes referred to as ‘desktop’ as it runs as a normal app on your computer. Please select the appropriate version of the Emteq SDK demo from the download site and follow the instructions below.
When the installation is completed it should launch automatically. You can also launch it by clicking the desktop shortcut for the SuperVision application.
It is not required to keep the downloaded zip file, you may delete this file once the SuperVision app is successfully installed.
The SuperVision app will automatically check for new versions and run updates in the background. You will see a Windows notification whenever a new version becomes available.
To uninstall the SuperVision app from your computer simply remove it as you would any other Windows 10 application via the control panel. Instructions can be found here.
To stream data from the mask to the SuperVision application you must use the provided Emteq SDK.
There are two options to use Emteq SDK:
a) Download and run one of the compiled unity executables (see downloads page).
b) Download and develop a new Unity application using the emteq SDK (see the SDK the installation guide here.
Once the emteq SDK unity application is running, follow the steps in the next section Connecting the Emteq device to the SuperVision App to connect the emteqPRO Mask to the SuperVision.
Once the Emteq SDK unity application is downloaded and running, follow the steps below to connect the emteqPRO Mask to the SuperVision application.
Please make sure that the mask is connected to the HTC VIVE Pro via the USB cable and that the HTC VIVE Pro is on and operating normally. If you are using the Open-face system, please ensure the USB cable is connected to the PC.
Otherwise, please follow the steps below on how to connect the emteqPRO Mask to the SuperVision.
Currently the SuperVision can be connected to a mask under the same local area network (LAN). Therefore, it is possible to run the application on a PC other than the one connected to the emteqPRO device and running VR experience.
Click Edit, as per below.
If you are connecting the SuperVision app to the emteqPRO Mask on the same PC you are currently using, you can simply use the IP address: or type localhost into the SuperVision app.
If you are running the SuperVision on a different Windows 10 PC or on a Pico Neo 3 Pro Eye HMD you will need to locate the IP address of the VR PC / Pico Neo 3 Pro Eye and enter it into the SuperVision app. To find the IP address follow the steps listed below for Windows 10 and Pico Neo 3 Pro. Once you have the correct IP address simply enter it into the SuperVision app as shown below.
Type the IP address into the SuperVision app. You can optionally enter the port here too.
If you do not enter a port number along with the IP (in the above example
) the SuperVision app will use the default value of 1883
To collect data using the system, you can simply use the emteqSDK scene provided (the data are automatically saved) or use the Unity SDK to trigger data recording. For more information see EmteqVR Unity SDK.
The Emteq Unity demo scene allows you to try some of the demos and start data recordings with the emteqPRO system. The main menu is shown below.
All demos and functionalities are explained in EmteqVR Unity SDK.
In this section, we will show the Calibration example. By clicking on the Calibration button, a new view will appear and data will start recording. This section is available in the VR Demo under Affective Videos which contains a calibration section before 2 videos chosen to evoke different emotional responses.
For more information on the data format, see section Understanding the data.